Tending the Fire Within

HaMakom and Or HaLev's Online Spring Jewish Mindfulness Meditation Retreat, led by Rav James Jacobson Maisels, Dr Mira Neshama Niculescu and the HaMakom faculty

Sunday May 2 - Monday May 3, on Zoom


Meditation retreats can be beautiful and powerful journeys of healing and transformation. However, due to the intensity of the experience, they are not necessarily safe and appropriate for everyone at all times. We therefore ask potential participants to be aware of the following: If you have suffered an episode of mania in the last six months this retreat is not safe and appropriate for you. Please do join us on retreat when there has been more than six months since your last episode of mania. If you have ever received a diagnosis of psychosis, intensive meditation retreat is not safe and appropriate for you.

If you have a history of trauma or serious mental health challenges, retreat may be appropriate and beneficial for you. It is important that you are in touch with us in advance so that we can ensure this retreat will be supportive for you. We want to make retreat as welcoming as possible, and we look forward to hearing from you.

Sign up to our newsletter for regular updates, along with occasional sharings and reflections. 

Email: zac@hamakom.community

Sign up to our newsletter for regular updates and mindful guidance

