Weekly Sitting Group:
Kindness and Perspective in Everyday Life
Monday 25 March - Monday 15 April 2024
19.00-19.45 UK time
Online, via Zoom
with Bev Cohen
At this time of great difficulty, coming together in community and stillness can be immensely supportive. Collectively, we find and nurture stability, steadiness, safety and care. When we really touch these qualities ourselves, we also radiate them outwards, to others and the world.
This group is a means of offering each other support with what many have experienced: how difficult it can be to sustain a regular practice. Sustaining practice is especially difficult when we try to do it alone. If we are part of an established group meeting regularly, this difficulty is held collectively. Together we cultivate the many fruits of regular practice, those which can show up while we are meditating and those which show up in the rest of our lives.
We ask each person who registers to commit to the series of group meetings, once a week for 5 weeks.
The group will be facilitated by Bev Cohen. Each week, Bev will offer some reflection and practice around kindness and perspective in everyday life.
We also ask that each person contributes £25 in advance. This contribution encourages our collective commitment. If this is unaffordable for you and you would like to participate, please let us know. No one will be turned away because of their financial circumstances.
Some more information:
- We will meet on Zoom.
- We will have 30 minutes of teaching and meditation, which will generally include both guided and silent periods.
- The final 10-15 minutes will be for sharing. Each person will have a little time for sharing with the group. This could be about the meditation just experienced, or it could be anything else that you want to express, and be heard. If you don’t want to say much, you can just offer one word or phrase. It helps to build community if we hear from everyone, however briefly.
- For the same reason, we ask that everyone has their video on during the meeting, with a stable and quiet background. If you need to turn your video off temporarily for an unforeseen reason that is understood.
We’d love to share this with you. Together we can create an enduring meditation practice. May the benefits and blessings extend in all directions.
To register, click the “Please Register Here” tab above.